The Annual Holiday Family Giving Project

The Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista has dedicated itself to giving to those less fortunate in its local communities: Aromas and San Juan Bautista. To this end, of special note is the Club’s Migrant Family Holiday Giving Project.
In the past the Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista has been assisted by the Aromas-San Juan Unified School District to identify families in need and as a result, the Club has given blankets, pajamas, jackets, shoes and food.
Beginning in 2013 the Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista joined in partnership with not only the school district, but also the Anzar High School Interact and MECHA Clubs.
Three to five families from Aromas and San Juan Bautista are identified. To ensure that each family has a traditional holiday meal, the students gather all the ingredients to make tamales and other food dishes. As well, each family member receives his/her wish-gift (clothes, games, kitchen items) given by the Rotary Club. Each family’s finely wrapped food basket and gifts are received by each family prior to Christmas.
As well each family has the opportunity to have free admission (compliments of El Teatro Campesino) to the annual La Pastorela play at the Mission San Juan Bautista.
The Rotarians of the San Juan Bautista Club and the
members of Interact and MECHA’s heart-and-soul mission
is that each sponsored family has a very
happy holiday!
members of Interact and MECHA’s heart-and-soul mission
is that each sponsored family has a very
happy holiday!